Part 1: Relaxing Into Your Breath Workshop
Dramatically Improve Your Health, Your Energy and Your Sense of Joy and Inner Peace

Details to be announced soon!

Taught by Elizabeth Meloney

Learning how to guide your relaxed breath through the method of whole body breathing gives you the ability to positively shift your state of mind and revitalize your body’s systems whenever you choose. Having the ability to deeply relax and breathe more powerfully will improve your health, well-being, relationships and performance in all your life activities. These simple, effective practices help you to:

  • Increase vitality and healing by improving your lung capacity and oxygen availability
  • Relax your nervous system, release and let go of stress, tension, pain and anxiety
  • Massage and strengthen your organs with every breath
  • Build resilience of body, mind, emotions and spirit
  • Synchronize your positive intentions with your breath
  • Create a joyful, spacious, peaceful inner environment

This workshop is open to all ages and fitness levels.

Pre-registration highly recommended. Accepting 12 students only to ensure that everyone receives personal attention. Payment reserves your place.

Please dress in layers and comfortable pants and bring water and a yoga mat if you have one. Please know that all the exercises can be modified for sitting or standing if lying down is not available for you.

Part 2: Opening and Closing the Joints of Your Body Workshop
Increase the Resiliency of Your Joints and Soft Tissues

Details to be announced soon!

Taught by Elizabeth Meloney

The process of opening (expanding) and closing (condensing), is a natural phenomenon that occurs
in all living organisms throughout the macro and micro universe, including the universe of a human being.

Opening and Closing, also known as pulsing, engages the internal hydraulic system of the body and entails a gentle, rhythmic process of pulsing energy in the joints of the body (beginning stage); this pulsing positively stimulates and purifies the interstitial and synovial fluids within the soft tissues and joints.

Learning the process of Opening and Closing will help you to:

  • Release layers of gross and subtle tension
  • Increase the health and density of your joint fluid
  • Improve the function of your joints and connective tissues
  • Dramatically decrease pain
  • More fully enjoy being in your body

Opening and Closing will help you create improved resilience and health–restoring harmony and integrated wholeness. This gentle, yet powerful process is an integral part of the neigong (inner work) of Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong that has such a positive effect on the overall health of the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

During this workshop, you will learn the process of Opening and Closing and incorporate this rhythmic pulse into ‘Rolling the Tai Chi Ball’ qigong practice. This is an easily accessible exercise that allows the mind to rest and gently observe while being fully engaged in the movement.

This workshop is open to all fitness levels. Please know that all the exercises can be modified for sitting or standing.

Pre-registration highly recommended. Accepting 12 students only to ensure everyone receives personal attention. Your payment reserves your place.

Please dress in layers, comfortable pants and bring water.

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Part 3: Spinal Qigong Workshop
Restore Resiliency and Flexibility to Your Spine

Details to be announced soon!

Taught by Elizabeth Meloney

A flexible, integrated spine is essential to the good health of your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Learn to develop awareness and sensitivity of your spinal column, while increasing strength and restoring flexibility to your spine. These exercises are designed to stimulate and strengthen the spine, the organs and the circulation of the entire body, relax the nervous system, relieve pain and promote self-awareness and self-healing for all levels of back and spinal problems, as well as increasing general health.

Spinal Qigong practices will include:

  • Core Energetics
  • Turtle and Snake Qigong
  • Tai Chi Spinal Stretch

This workshop is open to all fitness levels.

Pre-registration highly recommended. Accepting 12 students only to ensure everyone receives personal attention. Your payment reserves your place.

Please dress in layers, comfortable pants and bring water and a yoga mat or large towel. Please know that all the exercises can be modified for sitting or standing.